Pregnancy Update: 40 Weeks

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How far along: 40 weeks (+ 5 days)

Size of baby: Jackfruit

Gender: Girl (you can read the details of our gender reveal here)

Weight gain: 30 pounds and couldn’t care less at this point

Maternity clothes: Whatever fits. Mostly loose dresses for work and public outings (I can’t stand anything tight on my belly right now) and Cory’s t-shirts and basketball shorts to bum around the house. I also spend way too much time in my bathrobe.

Nursery: The gifts are unpacked, the clothes are washed and put away, the sheets are on the crib. There is no more preparation to do! I love seeing all the tiny baby things around the house and driving around with the carseat in my car.

Movement: Poor thing must be getting pretty squished in my belly. She’s still her usual active self but I’ve noticed her movements are slower and not as sharp. At my 37 week appointment the midwife used an ultrasound to confirm our stubborn daughter had finally flipped to the proper head down position for birth. Huge answer to prayer!

Symptoms: Low back pain and pelvis pressure. More Braxton Hicks contractions. Swelling in my feet and hands if I’m out in the heat. Frequent bathroom breaks. I’ve also been more emotional these last few days and feel so thankful to the Lord, my wonderful husband, family, friends and co-workers for their encouragement that’s keeping me sane!

Sleep: It’s getting harder to fall asleep and I find myself rolling from side to side at night trying to get comfortable. Lots of pillows, a fan and being active during the day helps.

Cravings: Sweets! Ice cream dates and cookie baking have been the trend around here. Really my mind is so preoccupied I haven’t thought much about food. I did make a couple freezer meals one day and felt wildly accomplished.

Workouts: Definitely slowing down, my walks are no further than 2-3 miles and I do just an hour of Pilates once a week. Swimming feels better than any other activity right now so I head to the pool as often as I can.

Name: We’ve settled on a first AND middle name. So excited to share with everyone!

Stick a fork in me I’m doneeee!

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